Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan yang berlangsung/terjadi pada waktu sekarang dalam bentuk sederhana, kegiatan atau pekerjaan yang dilakukan berulang-ulang, kebiasaan sehari-hari, peristiwa atau perbuatan yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan waktu, dan untuk mengekspresikan kebenaran umum.
Simple Present Tense menggunakan jenis "TO BE 1" and "VERB 1"
TO BE 1 terdiri dari: am, is, are (untuk selengkapnya, lihat tabel berikut)
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Do / Don't
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Does / Doesn't
DO dan DOES digunakan pada kalimat tanya.
DON'T (DO NOT) dan DOESN'T (DOES NOT) digunakan pada kalimat negatif.
TO BE 1 (am, is, are) digunakan ketika suatu kalimat tidak ada unsur kata kerja (NON VERB)
Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense
Mengekspresikan kalimat Simple Present Tense yang menggunakan kata kerja (VERB)
Subject + Verb 1 + Object
Subject + DON'T / DOESN'T + Verb 1 + Object
DO / DOES + Subject + Verb 1 + Object?
Question Word + DO/ DOES + Subject + Verb 1?
Contoh :
I speak English everyday
She speaks English everyday
I don't speak English
She doesn't speak English
Do you speak English?
Jawaban: Yes I do, atau No, I don't
Does she speak English?
Jawaban: Yes She does, atau No, She doesn’t
Why do you speak English everyday ?
Hanya pada kalimat positif, untuk subject "He, She, It", penggunaan kata kerjanya (VERB) harus diakhiri dengan "s/es." Penambahan “s/es” pada kata kerja dasar (inifinitive) adalah sebagai berikut:
Pada umunya kata kerjanya langsung ditambah dengan akhiran “-s”, contohnya:
Work – Works
Write – Writes
Speak – Speaks
Kata kerja yang berakhiran huruf “ch, o, s, sh, x” ditambah akhiran “-es”, contohnya:
Pass - Passes
Finish - Finishes
Teach - Teaches
Go - Goes
Fix - Fixes
Kata kerja yang berakhiran dengan huruf “-y” dan dimulai dengan huruf mati, akhiran “-y”diubah menjadi “-i” kemudian ditambah “-es”, contohnya:
Study - Studies
Carry - Carries
Cry - Cries
Sedangkan kata kerjanya berakhiran dengan huruf “-y” yang diawali dengan huruf hidup, cukup ditambah dengan akhiran “-s” saja, contohnya:
Buy - Buys
Play - Plays
Say - Says
Apabila kata kerjanya diawali dengan huruf kata kerja bantu (Modal Auxiliaries), maka tidak mendapatkan tambahan “s/es”,contohnya:
He Will work
She Can open
He Must close
Fungsi Simple Present Tense pada kalimat verbal
Menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang menjadi kebiasaan atau yang dilakukan pada waktu-waktu tertentu (Habitual Action), contohnya:
We study hard everyday.
She visits the library twice a month.
Menyatakan suatu kebenaran atau kenyataan umum, atau suatu kebenaran yang dianggap terjadi terus-mnerus (The General Truth), contohnya:
A year has twelve months.
The sun rises in the East.
Mengekspresikan kalimat Simple Present Tense yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja (Non VERB)
Subject + To be 1 + Non Verb + Object
Subject + To be 1 + NOT + Non Verb + Object
To be 1 + Subject + Non Verb + Object?
Question Word + To be 1 + Subject + Non Verb + Object?
Contoh :
I am a teacher.
She is a teacher.
I am not a teacher.
She is not a teacher.
Are you a teacher?
Jawaban: Yes I am, atau No, I am not
Is she a teacher?
Jawaban: Yes She is, atau No, She is not
What are you ?
Jawaban: I am a teacher
Where is your sister ?
Jawaban: She is here
Fungsi Simple Present Tense pada kalimat nomial
Untuk menyatakan suatu keadaan yang sedang berlangsung saat ini atau sekarang atau perbuatan yang merupakan suatu kebiasaan, contohnya:
I am a teacher.
They are here now.
Untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum, tetapi dalam kalimat nominal ini tidak digunakan keterangan waktu, contohnya:
Ice is cold.
Fire is hot.
Keterangan waktu untuk Simple Present Tense yang digunakan adalah:
Every hour, every minute, every morning, everyday, in the morning, once a week, on Sunday, at five o’clock and so on.
Pengertian Simple Past Tense
Simple Past Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan yang terjadi dimasa lampau dan waktu terjadinya persitiwa itu telah diketahui.
Simple Past Tense menggunakan jenis "TO BE 2" and "VERB 2"
TO BE 2 terdiri dari: was & were (untuk selengkapnya, lihat tabel berikut)
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Did / Didn't
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DID digunakan pada kalimat tanya.
DID NOT (DIDN'T) digunakan pada kalimat negatif.
TO BE 2 (Was & Were) digunakan ketika suatu kalimat tidak ada unsur kata kerja (NON VERB)
VERB 2 hanya digunakan pada kalimat positif saja.
Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense
Mengekspresikan kalimat Simple Past Tense yang menggunakan kata kerja (VERB)
Subject + Verb 2 + Object
Subject + DID NOT (DIDN'T) + Verb 1 + Object
DID + Subject + Verb 1 + Object ?
Question Word + DID + Subject + Verb 1 ?
Contoh :
He bought a pair of shoes yesterday.
He didn't buy a pair of shoes yesterday.
Did he buy a pair of shoes yesterday?
Jawaban: Yes He did, atau No, He did not (didn't)
Why did he buy a pair of shoes yesterday?
Pada contoh kalimat positif diatas menggunakan kata kerja bought (bentuk Verb 2 dari katabuy). Hanya pada kalimat positif saja Verb 2 digunakan.
Fungsi Simple Past Tense pada kalimat verbal
Biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu keadaan yang telah dilakukan diwaktu lampau dan selesai pada saat itu juga atau untuk menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi pada saat tertentu diwaktu lampau, contohnya:
She finished my homework in the library yesterday.
They worked with me two months ago.
Mengekspresikan kalimat Simple Past Tense yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja (Non VERB)
Subject + To be 2 + Non Verb + Object
Subject + To be 2 + NOT + Non Verb + Object
To be 2 + Subject + Non Verb + Object?
Question Word + To be 2 + Subject + Non Verb + Object?
Contoh :
I was a singer 5 years ago.
We were a singer 5 years ago.
I was not a singer 5 years ago.
We were not a singer 5 years ago.
Were you a singer 5 years ago?
Jawaban: Yes I was, atau No, I was not
Where were you last night?
Jawaban: I was at home.
Why was she absent yesterday?
Jawaban: She was sick yesterday
Fungsi Simple Past Tense pada kalimat nomial
Biasanya digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kebiasaan diwaktu lampau tetapi tidak berlangsung lagi sekarang, contohnya:
When I was young, I worked hard
Keterangan waktu untuk Simple Past Tense yang digunakan adalah:
yesterday, last night, last week, yesterday morning, an hour ago, two days ago, and so on.
Pengertian Simple Future Tense / Present Future Tense
Pengertian Present Perfect Tense
Simple Future Tense atau Present Future Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau kegiatan yang akan terjadi dimasa akan datang.
Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Simple Future Tense
Mengekspresikan kalimat Simple Future Tense yang menggunakan kata kerja (VERB)
Subject + WILL / SHALL + Verb 1 + Object
Subject + WILL / SHALL + NOT + Verb 1 + Object
WILL / SHALL + Subject + Verb 1 + Object ?
Question Word + WILL / SHALL + Subject + Verb 1 ?
Contoh :
She will go to Paris tomorrow.
She will not (won't) go to Paris tomorrow.
Will she go to Paris tomorrow ?
Jawaban: Yes She will, atau She, will not (won't)
When will she go to Paris?
Who will come here?
Mengekspresikan kalimat Simple Future Tense yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja (NON VERB)
Subject + WILL / SHALL + be + Non Verb + Object
Subject + WILL / SHALL + NOT + be + Non Verb + Object
WILL / SHALL + Subject + be + Non Verb + Object ?
Question Word + WILL/SHALL + Subject + be + Non Verb + Object ?
Contoh :
He will be alone tomorrow.
He will not (won't) be alone tomorrow.
Will he be alone tomorrow?
Jawaban: Yes he will, atau No, she will not (won't)
When will he be in Las Vegas?
Why will you be here tomorrow night?
Menggunakan "To Be Going To"
Pola kalimat verbal Simple Future Tense dapat diganti dengan kalimat yang menggunakan to be + going to untuk menggantikan shall dan will.
Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat menggunakan "To Be Going To"
Subject + To be + going to + Verb 1 + Object
Subject + To be + Not + going to + Verb 1 + Object
To be + Subject + going to + Verb 1 + Object ?
Question Word + To be + Subject + going to + verb 1 +?
Contoh :
I am going to read a newspaper tomorrow.
I am not going to read a newspaper tomorrow.
Are you going to read a newspaper tomorrow?
What are you going to read?
Who is going to come here tomorrow?
Untuk informasi selengkapnya, silahkan baca juga mengenai fungsi dan penggunaan Will and To Be Going To, semoga bermanfaat.
Keterangan waktu untuk Simple Future Tense yang digunakan adalah:
tomorrow morning, tomorrow night, next week, next year and so on.
Present Perfect Tense adalah bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan, keadaan atau peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau. Dan pada saat berbicara kegiatan/perbuatan tersebut telah selesai dilakukan.
Present Perfect Tense menggunakan jenis "TO BE 3" and "VERB 3"
TO BE 3 adalah: been (untuk selengkapnya, lihat tabel berikut)
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TO BE 3 (been) digunakan ketika suatu kalimat tidak ada unsur kata kerja (NON VERB).
Untuk semua jenis kalimat, baik positif, negatif, atau kalimat tanya pada Present Perfect Tensemenggunakan VERB 3.
Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat Present Perfect Tense
Mengekspresikan kalimat Present Perfect Tense yang menggunakan kata kerja (VERB)
Subject + Have/Has + Verb 3 + Object
Subject + Have/Has + NOT + Verb 3 + Object
Have/Has + Subject + Verb 3 + Object?
Question Word + Have/Has + Subject + Verb 3 + Object?
Contoh :
I have lived here for 2 years.
I have not (haven't) lived here for 2 years.
Have you lived here for 2 years?
Jawaban: Yes, I have, atau No, I have not (haven't)
Why Have you lived here for 2 years?
Who has killed her father?
Mengekspresikan kalimat Present Perfect Tense yang tidak menggunakan kata kerja (Non VERB)
Subject + Have/Has + To be 3 + Non Verb + Object
Subject + (Have/Has + NOT) + To be 3 + Non Verb + Object
Have/Has + Subject + To be 3 + Non Verb + Object?
Question Word + Have/Has + Subject + To be 3 + Non Verb + Object?
Contoh :
She has been here for 4 hours
She has not (hasn't) been here for 4 hours
Has she been here for 4 hours?
Where have you been for the last 4 hours?
Fungsi Present Perfect Tense
Menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang baru saja terjadi hingga hasilnya atau akibatnya dari tindakan tersebut masih dapat dilihat hingga saat dibicarakan, contohnya:
She has written a letter.
Artinya: dia sudah menulis surat.
Menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang telah selesai pada saat yang tidak tertentu diwaktu lampau, tetapi waktu terjadi peristiwa tersebut tidak dipentingkan. Yang paling penting adalah hasil dari perbuatannya sekarang, contohnya:
She has locked the door, and now we can’t open it.
Artinya: dia sudah mengunci pintu, dan sekarang kita tidak dapat membuka pintunya.
Menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang telah terjadi tetapi waktu terjadinya persitiwa tersebut belum selesai, contohnya:
I have written this letter this week.
Artinya: Saya sudah menulis surat ini pada minggu ini (tidak tepat kapan hari/jam pebuatannya).
Menyatakan suatu kegiatan ulangan yang tidak tertentu sebelum sekarang. Pada umunya bentuk kalimat ini sering diikuti oleh before, ever, already, never, yet, contohnya:
I have heard this before.
Artinya: saya sudah mendengar ini sebelumnya.
Menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang telah terjadi di masa lampau dan masih terjadi pada saat sekarang dan akan datang, contohnya:
I have been here since yesterday.
Artinya: saya sudah di sini sejak kemarin (dan sampai sekarang masih tetap disini/ di lokasi yg sama).
Menunjukkan suatu kegiatan yang selesai dalam waktu singkat. Pada umumnya digunakan kata-kata at last, finally, just, contohnya:
I have just met him.
Artinya: saya sudah (baru saja) bertemu dia.
Keterangan waktu untuk Present Perfect Tense yang digunakan adalah:
since yesterday, since two days ago, since last week, for three days, for three weeks, and so on.
I spend my money
a. I spent my money
b. I will spend my money
c. I have spent my money
They use that one
a. They used that one
b. They will use that one
c. They have used that one
We study English together
a. We studied English together
b. We will study English together
c. We have studied English together
They discuss their work
a. They discussed their work
b. They will discuss their work
c. They have discussed their work
They have enough time
a. They had enough time
b. They will have enough time
c. They have had enough time
I do all of the lessons
a. I did all of the lessons
b. I will do all of the lessons
c. I have done all of the lessons
He sits in that row
a. He sat in that row
b. He will sit in that row
c. He has sat in that row
I drive my car
a. I drove my car
b. I will drive my car
c. I have driven my car
She hides her money
a. She hid her money
b. She will hide her money
c. She has hidden her money
We go to school
a. We went to school
b. We will go to school
c. We have gone to school
He takes much time
a. He took much time
b. He will take much time
c. He has taken much time
Does he eat there?
a. Did he eat there?
b. Will he eat there?
c. Has he eaten there?
Do you enjoy that work?
a. Did you enjoy that work?
b. Will you enjoy that work?
c. Have you enjoyed that work?
Does he write many letters?
a. Did he write many letters?
b. Will he write many letters?
c. Has he written many letters?
Do you send many letters?
a. Did you send many letters?
b. Will you send many letters?
c. Have you sent many letters?
Do they explain everything?
a. Did they explain everything?
b. Will they explain everything?
c. Have they explained everything?
Does she attend that class?
a. Did she attend that class?
b. Will she attend that class?
c. Has she attended that class?
Do you have enough time?
a. Did you have enough time?
b. Will you have enough time?
c. Have you had enough time?
Do they copy the sentences?
a. Did they copy the sentences?
b. Will they copy the sentences?
c. Have they copied the sentences?
Does she have much trouble?
a. Did she has much trouble?
b. Will she has much trouble?
c. Has she had much trouble?
Does she do good work?
a. Did she do good work?
b. Will she do good work?
c. Has she done good work?
Do the students practice?
a. Did the students practice?
b. Will the students practice?
c. Have the students practiced?
I don’t stay there
a. I didn’t stay there
b. I won’t stay there
c. I haven’t stay there
He doesn’t work hard
a. He didn’t work hard
b. He won’t work hard
c. He hasn’t work hard
I don’t have any energy
a. I didn’t have any energy
b. I won’t have any energy
c. I haven’t had any energy
He doesn’t pay his bills
a. He didn’t pay his bills
b. He won’t pay his bills
c. He hasn’t paid his bills
We don’t see that fellow
a. We didn’t see that fellow
b. We won’t see that fellow
c. We haven’t seen that fellow
She doesn’t use this one
a. She didn’t use this one
b. She won’t use this one
c. She hasn’t used this one
They don’t remember it
a. They didn’t remember it
b. They won’t remember it
c. They haven’t remembered it
I don’t do much work there
a. I didn’t do much work there
b. I won’t do much work there
c. I haven’t done much work there
He doesn’t listen carefully
a. He didn’t listen carefully
b. He won’t listen carefully
c. He hasn’t listened carefully
Mr. Harris taught English at this school for
five years
Mr. Harris has taught English at this school for five
I (write) three or four letters to that company
I have written three or four letters to that company
The students in this class (do) those two
lessons already
The students in this class have done those two lessons
I (know) Professor Moore for more than twelve
I have known Professor Moore for more than twelve years
Richard (take) three courses in English at this
Richard has taken three courses in English at this
These steps are dangerous. I (fall) on them
several times
These steps are dangerous I have fallen on them several
Mr. Kramer (be) in the United States for three
Mr. Kramer has been in the United States for three years
The janitor (shut, already) the back door
The janitor has already shut the back door
The students (read) all of the stories in that
The students have read all of the stories in that book
Marjorie (choose) a pretty dress for the party
Marjorie has chosen a pretty dress for the party
I (speak) to my boss about the problem several
I have spoken to my boss about the problem several times
That tree (grow) at least five feet since last
That tree has grown at least five feet since last year
Miss King (spend) over eighteen hundred dollars
since May
Miss King has spent over eighteen hundred dollars since
Mr. and Mrs. Smith (buy) a new house in North
Mr. and Mrs. Smith have bought a new house in North
The real estate agent (sell) the Smith’s old
The real estate agent has sold the Smith’s old house
Charles (have) a bad cold for a whole week
Charles has had a bad cold for a whole week
I’m sorry. I (forget) the name of that book
I’m sorry. I have forgotten the name of that book
We (hear, already) that new song several times
We have already heard that new song several times
Mr. Wilson isn’t here. He (go) out of town for
the weekend
Mr. Wilson isn’t here. He has gone out of town for the
Mr. Kennedy (wear) his blue suit to the office
only twice
Mr. Kennedy has worn his blue suit to the office only
I (sit) in this same seat since the first day of
I have sat in this same seat since the first day of
The money isn’t in this drawer. Someone (steal)
The money isn’t in this drawer. Someone has stolen it!
Up to now, I (understand) every lesson in the
Up to now, I have understood every lesson in the book
We (have) absolutely no trouble with our car so
We have had absolutely no trouble with our car so far
No one (find) that girl’s purse and gloves yet
No one has found that girl’s purse and gloves yet
The weather (be) very warm ever since last
The weather has been very warm ever since last Thursday
Mr. Anderson and Mr. Brown (have) lunch already
Mr. Anderson and Mr. Brown have had lunch already
I ( see) the Empire State Building hundreds of
I have seen the Empire State Building hundreds of times
We (speak, already) to the director and (give)
him the message
We have already spoken to the director and have given
him the message
Grandmother (fly, never) in an airplane before
Grandmother has never flown in an airplane before
You (tear) your shirt! There’s a hole in the
left sleeve
You have torn your shirt! There’s a hole in the left
I (read, already) the customer’s letter and
(write) a reply to him
I have already read the customer’s letter and have written a
reply to him
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